Red Cross Aruba Disaster Camp 2022
The Red Cross Aruba San Nicolaas branch organized a fun walk for kids to close the summer vacation. with a big splash!
The Red Cross Aruba San Nicolaas branch organized a fun walk for kids to close the summer vacation. with a big splash!
The Red Cross Aruba Biba Bida Expo 2022 was once again a great success with great attention for the health and wellness of our elderly in the community.
#volunteerlife Our volunteers all around the island assisting during various activities!Thank you all for your time and dedication always. Awesome job#WorldRedCrossDay Previous Next
On May 3th, 2022 the Regional meeting of National Societies on the Humanitarian Approach to Human Trafficking initiated in Bogota, Colombia. Aruba was invited to be part of the regional …
Masha danki Aruba Bank N.V. for the donation. This car will help with logistics in executing our projects of our San Nicolas branch. Thank you!